Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Young Again

The boulder
Perched on the bank
Saw the stream passing by
And felt the energy,
The vigour of youth
As the waves
Flirted with the bank.

The boulder
Perched on the bank
Meditated on
The sedentary existence
Frozen to its position
Immobile, unchanging,
As the world swept by.

The boulder
Perched on the bank
On its static life,
When the passing wave
Brushed by it.
Waking it from its

The boulder
Perched on the bank
Saw its world falling
As the ground beneath
Crumbled slowly.
Slowly the soil,
That lifelong companion,
Dissolving in the web
Created by the waves.

The boulder
Perched on the bank
Was, too, thus ensnared
And tumbled into
The newfound destiny.
The passing waves,
Those playmates of the wild,
Were all over it.
The boulder acquiesced
To be the icon of its new world –
Smooth, malleable.

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